Persontrafik 2024
Gothenburg 5 - 7 November
Frogne will exhibit at the PERSONTRAFIK 2024 fair, which will be held on 5-7. November in Gothenburg.
In addition to taximeter systems, Frogne will present a number of tested products as well as new solutions, including the latest developments in AI-based booking; Frogne VoiceBOT, a dialogue-based, virtual booking assistant.
- AI dialogue robots will revolutionize the way taxis are ordered forever. With Frogne's AI dialog robot, taxi and passenger transport companies can save resources and strengthen customer service and thereby experience competitive advantages from day one, says Kaare Frogne, CEO of Frogne.
- Everywhere, taxis and passenger transport are under pressure to keep costs down and secure earnings. That is why there is great interest in developing and introducing the latest technology in all phases of the taxi journey, in order to further optimize all aspects of passenger transport.
Leading Nordic taxi and mobility companies today use Frogne's integrated HW & SW solutions to optimize daily operations, strengthen customer service and develop new business opportunities.
In addition to taximeter systems and the new AI-based VoiceBOT, Frogne will present a number of existing and new solutions at PERSONTRAFIK 2024, such as;
- Frogne myBooking & Dispatch as a Service – A taxi booking service with guaranteed uptime 24/7 and a minimal investment requirement - and now with Quantum-inspired route optimization, which will further optimize fleet management.
- Frogne Mobility App – for user-friendly taxi ordering and with the company's own graphic design and user interface.
- Frogne WebBooking – for fast and simple self-service of taxi bookings, for e.g. companies, authorities, institutions etc.
PERSONTRAFIK 2024 takes place every two years and brings together the Scandinavian passenger transport industry. The fair is organized in
cooperation with Sweden's most important industry organizations and several leading suppliers and industry media.
Frogne exhibits together with Structab AB and Nordic Auto El.
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Frogne will exhibit at the PERSONTRAFIK 2024 fair, which will be held on 5-7. November in Gothenburg.
In addition to taximeter systems, Frogne will present a number of tested products as well as new solutions, including the latest developments in AI-based booking; Frogne VoiceBOT, a dialogue-based, virtual booking assistant.
- AI dialogue robots will revolutionize the way taxis are ordered forever. With Frogne's AI dialog robot, taxi and passenger transport companies can save resources and strengthen customer service and thereby experience competitive advantages from day one, says Kaare Frogne, CEO of Frogne.
- Everywhere, taxis and passenger transport are under pressure to keep costs down and secure earnings. That is why there is great interest in developing and introducing the latest technology in all phases of the taxi journey, in order to further optimize all aspects of passenger transport.
Leading Nordic taxi and mobility companies today use Frogne's integrated HW & SW solutions to optimize daily operations, strengthen customer service and develop new business opportunities.
In addition to taximeter systems and the new AI-based VoiceBOT, Frogne will present a number of existing and new solutions at PERSONTRAFIK 2024, such as;
- Frogne myBooking & Dispatch as a Service – A taxi booking service with guaranteed uptime 24/7 and a minimal investment requirement - and now with Quantum-inspired route optimization, which will further optimize fleet management.
- Frogne Mobility App – for user-friendly taxi ordering and with the company's own graphic design and user interface.
- Frogne WebBooking – for fast and simple self-service of taxi bookings, for e.g. companies, authorities, institutions etc.
PERSONTRAFIK 2024 takes place every two years and brings together the Scandinavian passenger transport industry. The fair is organized in
cooperation with Sweden's most important industry organizations and several leading suppliers and industry media.
Frogne exhibits together with Structab AB and Nordic Auto El.
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