Satisfied drivers generate more business

Satisfied drivers generate more business

In the dynamic world of person transportation successful companies understand that driver satisfaction is a crucial factor that impacts business success. The well-being of your drivers play an important role in shaping the operational efficiency and overall performance of your company.
For decades Frogne’s driver solutions have helped improve work satisfaction:
Frogne CoDrive Navigation
With integrated navigation your drivers can easily find your customers and  drive with ease with just only one click.
Frogne Car owner/Driver Portal
The Frogne Web Portal is the Taxi company’s internal management tool for communication with Drivers/Owners.

​Frogne CoDrive Navigation

Accurate navigation is the driver’s best friend and with Frogne’s integrated CoDrive Navigation you can take the navigation experience to the next level providing an easy way to start the navigation directly from the driver app based on the information from the booking.
Frogne’s CoDrive Navigation is based on the same Frogne Maps service as the dispatching system and because of this, you can be always sure that the data in the booking system and in the navigator is always in sync.

Frogne Car owner/Driver Portal

The Frogne Web Portal solution provides an easy way to distribute information to drivers, car owners and even customers. Performance reports can be automatically generated from Frogne backend to Web Portal and accessed by car owners and drivers with individual login information. Newsletters and manuals can be uploaded to the Web Portal to be accessed by the individual car owner or driver or all users. On an individual basis the company can administer each Driver/Owners permits, certificates, education, training etc.